Assisting code to support other code and prepare simulations
This module provides all commands you can use in StoSim: run, resume, status, kill, snapshot, run_more, make_plots, run_ttests, list_data
(simfolder)[source]¶ Kill simulation Warning: On pbs, kills all your jobs (ignores –project)!
(simfolder)[source]¶ List the number of runs that have been made per configuration.
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: True if successful, False otherwise
(simfolder, plot_nrs=[])[source]¶ generate plots as specified in the simulation conf
Parameters: - simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
- plot_nrs (list) – a list with plot indices. If empty, plot all
(simfolder, limit_to={}, more=False)[source]¶ ensure that data and job directories exist, create jobs. limit_to can contain parameter settings we want to limit ourselves to (this is in case we add more data)
Parameters: - simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
- limit_to (dict) – key-value pairs that narrow down the dataset, when empty (default) all possible configs are run
- more (boolean) – when True, new data will simply be added
(simfolder)[source]¶ (Re)start dispatching jobs
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: True if successful, False otherwise
(simfolder)[source]¶ The main function to start running simulations
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: True if successful, False otherwise
(simfolder)[source]¶ let the user make more runs on current config, in addition to the given data
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: True if successful, False otherwise
(simfolder)[source]¶ Make statistical t tests
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
(simfolder, identifier=None)[source]¶ Make a snapshot of the current state, using rsync with an example from
Parameters: - simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
- identifier (string) – custom identifier for this snapshot
Returns: True if successful, False otherwise
This module sets up the stage - with it, you can make a configuration file for each mix of parameter settings (for each job) that needs to be run.
(main_conf, simfolder, limit_to={}, more=False)[source]¶ Writes a conf file for each run that the parameters in conf suggest.
Parameters: - conf (ConfigParser) – main configuration
- simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
- limit_to (dict) – dict of configuration settings we should limit to (default is an empty dict)
- more (boolean) – True if runs should be appended to existing data (default is False)
(simfolder)[source]¶ check if stosim.conf contains all necessary sections and options :param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
(simfolder, more=False)[source]¶ check if old data is lying around, ask if it can go
Parameters: more (boolean) – when True, new data will simply be added to existing data
(s, sim='')[source]¶ Make dict out of configuration string that describes a search for a sub-dataset (for plots, ttests)
Parameters: s (string) – a string of comma-separated key-value pairs Returns: dictionary made from the string
(simfolder)[source]¶ make sure we have the actual name of the folder and not just ‘.’
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: the full name (without the path to it)
(simfolder)[source]¶ Make a configuration with all used params and their values - this means we gather all param values from eventual subconfs, next to stosim.conf
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: ConfigParser combined conf
(conf)[source]¶ get the delimiter used in the log files between values
Parameters: conf (ConfigParser) – the main config file Returns: the user-defined delimiter or the assumed default one (,)
(simfolder)[source]¶ get the interval for FJD workers and dispatchers to check the queue, in seconds (fractions of seconds are allowed).
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: float interval
(simfolder)[source]¶ get the expected maximal jobtime for PBS jobs, the format is HH:MM:SS
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: string jobtime
(simfolder)[source]¶ Return ConfigParser object read from main conf, with all relevant subsimulation configs set
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: ConfigParser object
(simfolder)[source]¶ get the number of cores on PBS nodes
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: int number of cores
(simfolder)[source]¶ Returns: ConfigParser objects for all config files being used Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
(simfolder)[source]¶ get the scheduler (fjd or pbs)
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder Returns: string scheduler
(simfolder, conf_filename, fallback=None)[source]¶ The user can give a pretty name to the simulation under [meta], this function returns it.
Parameters: - conf_filename (string) – name of the config file for the simulation
- fallback (string) – return this if the user didn’t specify any
Returns: string pretty name
(conf)[source]¶ get sub-simulation config names.
Parameters: conf (ConfigParser) – main configuration Returns: A list with names. If no subsimulations are configured, the list will have an empty string as only element
(simfolder)[source]¶ Make the name for a simulation dir from the simulation name and the name of conf files [This and make_screen_name need overhaul and a common approach when a session management is implemented]
Parameters: simfolder (string) – relative path to simfolder
Code used to analyse results: Plotting and T-testing. The general workflow for an analysis: We collect values from the whole data set, be it whole files which are averaged or just selected values from files. The one result file will be plotted or is input to a T-Test.
This module helps to collect certain files and values from the whole data set, based on search criteria. Main functions to use are collect_files and collect_values.
(searches, filepath, target_dir)[source]¶ For each search, collect all .log-files from the data directories that matches the criteria. Create a subdir for each search in target_dir where the .log-files go, numbered from 1 to n.
Parameters: - searches (dict) – a dict, where the keys are names of searches and values are lists of key-value tuples which dirnames should match
- filepath (string) – path to data directories
- target_dir (string) – directory where the subdirs should go
Returns: a list with searches that didn’t match any folders
(filepath, delim, outfile_name, cols=[], selector='all')[source]¶ Collect specific x/y values from a bunch of .log files (to be found via the filepath) and write them into a new file.
TODO: how to pass custom selectors?
Parameters: - filepath (string) – path to the log files
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
- outfile_name (string) – path and name of file to write into
- cols (list) – columns to select, at least one, we consider the first as x, the second as y
- selector – method to specify how to choose lines from the data files one of [‘all’, ‘last’, ‘max_x’, ‘max_y’, ‘min_x’, ‘min_y’]
(filep, cols, delim, sel=<built-in function max>, by=0)[source]¶ - Helper for selectors. Gets lines with maximal or minimal value,
- looking for those values in a column of choice.
Parameters: - filep (file) – pointer to data file
- cols (list) – list of column indices from which to collect
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
- sel (function) – function to selct value from a list, max or min
- by (int) – the column of choice (0 for x, 1 for y), default 0
Returns: a string with the values from the line with minimal y-value
(string, search)[source]¶ Returns: True if string contains all key/value pairs in search s, False otherwise
Parameters: - string (string) – string to search in
- search (dict) – key-values in this dict are the search
(filep, cols, delim)[source]¶ select column values of all lines
Parameters: - filep (file) – pointer to data file
- cols (list) – list of column indices from which to collect
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
Returns: string with lines
(filep, cols, delim)[source]¶ Returns: a string with the last values from this file and columns
Parameters: - filep (file) – pointer to data file
- cols (list) – list of column indices from which to collect
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
Returns: string with line
(filep, cols, delim)[source]¶ Returns: a string with the values from the line with maximal x-value
Parameters: - filep (file) – pointer to data file
- cols (list) – list of column indices from which to collect
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
(filep, cols, delim)[source]¶ Returns: a string with the values from the line with maximal y-value
Parameters: - filep (file) – pointer to data file
- cols (list) – list of column indices from which to collect
- delim (string) – delimiter in the data files
Compresses data (e.g. averaging)
(xCol, yCol, numFiles, filePrefix='', fileSuffix='', filePath='.', delim=', ', outName=None)[source]¶ This function can take several data files and transfer them into a file that is formatted ready to be plotted by gnuplot (each line is “<x> <mean of y vals> <std of y vals>”). Data files should be named using an index starting by 1 and all have the same prefix and/or suffix arround that index.
In gnuplot, you could then say “plot outName smooth unique with yerrorlines”
Parameters: - xCol (int) – x column
- yCol (int) – y column
- numFiles (int) – the number of files to average over
- filePrefix (string) – prefix in filenames
- fileSuffix (string) – suffix in filenames
- filePath (string) – path to files
- delim (string) – delimiter used between columns
- outName (string) – Name of the result file, defaults to <filePrefix><yCol><fileSuffix>.out
(filepath='', delim=', ', outfile_name='', name='My simulation', xcol=1, x_label='iteration', y_label='value', x_range=None, y_range='[0:10]', use_y_errorbars=False, errorbar_every=1, infobox_pos='top left', use_colors=True, use_tex=False, line_width=6, font_size=22, custom_script='', plots=[])[source]¶ Make plots for specific portions of data in one figure.
For each graph, this function …
- selects folders with data files depending on parameter values you provide
- collects all log files contained in them in a temporary folder
- averages over the contents or just selects values from them
- makes a (gnu)plot out of that, with yerrorbars if you want
The output is one PDF file. Creating PDF for this yields far nicer linetypes. Also, this makes different linetypes (e.g. dashes/dots) possible, bcs papers are often printed b/w.
In addition to gnuplot, you need epstopdf installed.
Parameters: - filepath (string) – path to data
- delim (string) – delimiter used between columns
- outfile_name (string) – name of the PDF file you want to make
- name (string) – Title of the simulation
- xcol (int) – column >= 1
- x_label (string) – label on x axis
- y_label (string) – label on y axis
- x_range (string) – the range of values for x axis, in the form of “[a:b]”, defaults to None, meaning that gnuplot should take to the actual value range of x values
- y_range (string) – the range of values for y axis, defaults to ‘[0:10]’
- use_y_errorbars (boolean) – True if errorbars should be shown, default is False
- errorbar_every (int) – show an errorbar every x steps, defaults to 1
- infobox_pos (string) – where the infobox should go, e.g. ‘bottom left’, defaults to ‘top left’ when given empty
- use_colors (boolean) – whether to use colors or be b+w, defaults True
- use_tex (boolean) – whether to use enhanced mode, which interpretes tex-like encoding (e.g. subscript, math, greek symbols), defaults to False
- line_width (int) – line width in pixels, defaults to 6
- font_size (int) – font size (a number), defaults to 22
- plots (list) – list of plot descriptions, defaults to empty list