This module provides all commands you can use in StoSim:
run, resume, status, kill, snapshot, run_more, make_plots, run_ttests, list_data
import sys
import os
import os.path as osp
import subprocess
import configparser
except ImportError:
import ConfigParser as configparser # for py2
from shutil import rmtree
from shutil import copy
import fjd
from stosim.sim import utils
from stosim.analysis import plotter, tester
from stosim.sim.job_creator import create_jobs
if sys.version < '3':
input = raw_input
we_exited = [False] # this helps us to stop using FJD if the user quit
[docs]def run(simfolder):
''' The main function to start running simulations
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
print('*' * 80)
sim_name = utils.get_simulation_name(simfolder, "{}/stosim.conf".format(simfolder))
print("Running simulation {}".format(sim_name))
print('*' * 80)
if not osp.exists("%s/stosim.conf" % simfolder):
print("[StoSim] %s/stosim.conf does not exist!" % simfolder)
return False
# prepare all jobs to be run by FJD
fjd_dir = fjd.utils.ensure_wdir(sim_name)
for job in [j for j in os.listdir("{}/jobs".format(simfolder))\
if j.endswith('.conf')]:
copy("{}/jobs/{}".format(simfolder, job),
dispatch_cmd = 'fjd-dispatcher --project {} --end_when_jobs_are_done '\
' --callback "stosim --folder {} --kill" --interval {}'\
.format(sim_name, simfolder, utils.get_interval(simfolder))
# now decide if recruiting is done in a local network or on a PBS cluster
scheduler = utils.get_scheduler(simfolder)
if scheduler == 'fjd':
# let FJD handle it in local network (default: only local PC)
if os.path.exists('{}/remote.conf'.format(simfolder)):
copy('{}/remote.conf'.format(simfolder), fjd_dir)
subprocess.call('fjd-recruiter --project {} hire'.format(sim_name), shell=True)
if not we_exited[0]:
subprocess.call(dispatch_cmd, shell=True)
# when recruiter got remote.conf, clean up in fjd dir
if os.path.exists('{}/remote.conf'.format(simfolder)):
elif scheduler == 'pbs':
# queue the PBS jobs we created on a PBS job scheduler (e.g. clusters
# running Torque or PBS Pro). These simply start FJD workers.
for job in [j for j in os.listdir('{}/jobs'.format(simfolder)) if j.endswith('.pbs')]:
subprocess.call('qsub {}'.format('{}/jobs/{}'.format(simfolder, job)), shell=True)
# Now we start dispatching
subprocess.call(dispatch_cmd, shell=True)
return True
[docs]def resume(simfolder):
(Re)start dispatching jobs
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
sim_name = utils.get_simulation_name(simfolder, "{}/stosim.conf".format(simfolder))
subprocess.call('fjd-dispatcher --project {} --interval {}'\
.format(sim_name, utils.get_interval(simfolder)), shell=True)
return True
[docs]def status(simfolder):
Check status of simulation. If on PBS scheduling, show status of nodes.
Then, ask the fjd-dispatcher about status of jobs.
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
scheduler = utils.get_scheduler(simfolder)
sim_name = utils.get_simulation_name(simfolder, "{}/stosim.conf".format(simfolder))
if scheduler == 'pbs':
num_nodes = len([n for n in os.listdir('{}/jobs'.format(simfolder))\
if n.endswith('.pbs')])
if num_nodes > 0:
print("[StoSim] State of our {} PBS computing nodes:".format(num_nodes))
subprocess.call('echo "Waiting: $(qselect -u $USER -s W | wc -l)"', shell=True)
subprocess.call('echo "Queued: $(qselect -u $USER -s Q | wc -l)"', shell=True)
subprocess.call('echo "Running: $(qselect -u $USER -s R | wc -l)"', shell=True)
print("[StoSim] No PBS computing nodes seem to be configured...")
print("[StoSim] State of workers and jobs:")
subprocess.call('fjd-dispatcher --project {} --status_only --interval {}'\
.format(sim_name, utils.get_interval(simfolder)), shell=True)
return True
[docs]def snapshot(simfolder, identifier=None):
Make a snapshot of the current state, using rsync with an example from
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:param string identifier: custom identifier for this snapshot
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
snapfolder = 'stosim-snapshots'
date_format = "+%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S"
if not identifier:
print('[StoSim] If wanted, enter a custom identifier:')
identifier = input().replace(' ', '_') # TODO: replace other characters?
if not os.path.exists("{}/{}".format(simfolder, snapfolder)):
os.mkdir("{}/{}".format(simfolder, snapfolder))
rsync = 'rsync'
rsync = 'link_dest=`find {abs_sf}/{ss} -maxdepth 1 -type d | sort | tail -n 1`;'\
' rsync --link-dest=${{link_dest}}'\
.format(abs_sf=os.path.abspath(simfolder), ss=snapfolder)
subprocess.call('cd {sf}; {rsync} -a --exclude {ss} --exclude \.svn --exclude \.git --exclude \.hg'\
' . {ss}/`date {df}`_{ident}; cd {curdir}'\
.format(rsync=rsync, sf=simfolder, ss=snapfolder,
df=date_format, ident=identifier,
curdir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir)), shell=True)
print('[StoSim] Made a new snapshot in {}/{}.'.format(simfolder, snapfolder))
return True
[docs]def kill(simfolder):
Kill simulation
Warning: On pbs, kills all your jobs (ignores --project)!
scheduler = utils.get_scheduler(simfolder)
sim_name = utils.get_simulation_name(simfolder, "{}/stosim.conf".format(simfolder))
if scheduler == 'fjd':
subprocess.call('fjd-recruiter --project {} fire'.format(sim_name),
elif scheduler == 'pbs':
subprocess.call('qselect -u $USER | xargs qdel', shell=True)
return True
[docs]def run_more(simfolder):
""" let the user make more runs on current config,
in addition to the given data
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
simfolder = simfolder.strip('/')
conf = utils.get_combined_conf(simfolder)
[StoSim] Let's make {} more run(s)! Please tell me on which configurations.\n
Enter any parameter values you want to narrow down to, nothing otherwise."
'''.format(conf.getint('control', 'runs')))
sel_params = {}
for o in conf.options('params'):
selected = False
params = [p.strip() for p in conf.get('params', o).split(',')]
if len(params) == 1:
print("<{}> has only one value:".format(o))
while not selected:
choice = []
print("<{}> ? (out of [{}])".format(o, conf.get('params', o)))
for selection in input().split(','):
selected = True
if selection == "":
elif selection in params:
print("Sorry, {} is not a valid value.".format(selection))
selected = False
if len(choice) > 0:
sel_params[o] = choice
print("No restriction chosen.")
print("You selected: {}. Do this? [Y|n]\n"\
"(Remember that configuration and code should still be the same!)"\
if input().lower() in ["", "y"]:
prepare_folders_and_jobs(simfolder, limit_to=sel_params, more=True)
return run(simfolder)
return False
[docs]def make_plots(simfolder, plot_nrs=[]):
""" generate plots as specified in the simulation conf
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:param list plot_nrs: a list with plot indices. If empty, plot all
simfolder = simfolder.strip('/')
#if osp.exists("%s/plots" % simfolder):
# rmtree('%s/plots' % simfolder)
if not osp.exists("%s/plots" % simfolder):
os.mkdir('%s/plots' % simfolder)
# tell about what we'll do if we have at least one plot
relevant_confs = utils.get_relevant_confs(simfolder)
for c in relevant_confs:
if c.has_section("figure1"):
print('*' * 80)
print("[StoSim] creating plots ...")
print('*' * 80)
print("[StoSim] No plots specified.")
# Describe all options first.
# These might be set in plot-settings (in each simulation config)
# and also per-figure
general_options = {'use-colors': bool, 'use-tex': bool, 'line-width': int,
'font-size': int, 'infobox-pos': str,
'use-y-errorbars': bool, 'errorbar-every': int
figure_specific_options = {
'name': str, 'xcol': int, 'x-range': str,
'y-range': str, 'x-label': str, 'y-label': str,
'custom-script': str
def get_opt_val(conf, d, section, option, t):
if conf.has_option(section, option):
val = c.get(section, option).strip()
if t is int:
val = c.getint(section, option)
if t is bool:
val = c.getboolean(section, option)
if t is float:
val = c.getfloat(section, option)
# config-options with '-' are nice, but not good parameter names
d[option.replace('-', '_')] = val
general_settings = {}
c = configparser.ConfigParser()
delim = utils.get_delimiter(c)
for o, t in general_options.items():
get_opt_val(c, general_settings, 'plot-settings', o, t)
general_params = []
if c.has_option('plot-settings', 'params'):
general_params = c.get('plot-settings', 'params').split(',')
for c in relevant_confs:
i = 1
settings = general_settings.copy()
# overwrite with plot-settings for this subsimulation
for o, t in general_options.items():
get_opt_val(c, settings, 'plot-settings', o, t)
if c.has_option('plot-settings', 'params'):
general_params.extend(c.get('plot-settings', 'params').split(','))
while c.has_section("figure%i" % i):
if i in plot_nrs or len(plot_nrs) == 0:
fig_settings = settings.copy()
for o, t in figure_specific_options.items():
get_opt_val(c, fig_settings, 'figure%i' % i, o, t)
plot_confs = []
j = 1
while c.has_option("figure%i" % i, "plot%i" % j):
# make plot settings from conf string
d = utils.decode_search_from_confstr(
c.get('figure%i' % i, 'plot%i' % j),
sim=c.get('meta', 'name')
# then add general param settings to each plot, if
# not explicitly in there
for param in general_params:
if ":" in param:
param = param.split(':')
key = param[0].strip()
if not key in list(d.keys()):
d[key] = param[1].strip()
# add simulation file name, then we can select accordingly
if c.has_option('meta', '_subconf-filename_'):
scfn = c.get('meta', '_subconf-filename_')
if scfn != '' and not 'sim' in d:
d['sim'] = scfn
# making sure all necessary plot attributes are there
if ('_name' in list(d.keys())and '_ycol' in list(d.keys()) and
'_type' in list(d.keys())):
[StoSim] Warning: Incomplete graph specification in Experiment %s
- for plot {} in figure {}. \n
Specify at least _name and _ycol.'''.format((c.get('meta', 'name'), j, i)))
j += 1
plotter.plot(filepath='%s/data' % simfolder,
outfile_name='%s/plots/%s.pdf' \
% (simfolder, fig_settings['name']),\
i += 1
[docs]def run_ttests(simfolder):
Make statistical t tests
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
c = configparser.ConfigParser()
delim = utils.get_delimiter(c)
relevant_confs = utils.get_relevant_confs(simfolder)
# tell about what we'll do if we have at least one test
for c in relevant_confs:
if c.has_section("ttest1"):
print('*' * 80)
print("[StoSim] Running T-tests ...")
print('*' * 80)
print("[StoSim] No T-tests specified.")
for c in relevant_confs:
i = 1
while c.has_section("ttest%i" % i):
print("Test {}:".format(c.get('ttest%i' % i, 'name').strip('"')))
if not (c.has_option("ttest%i" % i, "set1") and
c.has_option("ttest%i" % i, "set2")):
print("[StoSim] T-test {} is missing one or both"\
" data set descriptions.".format(i))
tester.ttest(simfolder, c, i, delim)
i += 1
[docs]def list_data(simfolder):
""" List the number of runs that have been made per configuration.
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:returns: True if successful, False otherwise
print("[StoSim] The configurations and number of runs made so far:\n")
for sim in utils.get_subsimulation_names(utils.get_main_conf(simfolder)):
print("Simulation: {}".format(sim))
# get a list w/ relevant params from first-found config file
# they should be the same
data_dirs = os.listdir("%s/data" % simfolder)
sim_dirs = [d for d in data_dirs if d.startswith("sim{}".format(sim))]
if len(sim_dirs) == 0:
print("No runs found for simulation {}\n".format(sim))
conf = utils.get_combined_conf(simfolder)
params = conf.options('params')
charlen = 1 + sum([len(p) + 6 for p in params]) + 9
print('-' * charlen)
for p in params:
print(" {} |".format(p)),
print("| runs |")
print('-' * charlen)
# now show how much we have in each relevant dir
for d in sim_dirs:
for p in params:
v = d.split("_{}".format(p))[1].split("_")[0]
print(" {}|".format(v.ljust(len(p) + 2))),
print("| {} |".format(str(utils.runs_in_folder(simfolder, d)).rjust(4)))
print('-' * charlen)
return True
[docs]def prepare_folders_and_jobs(simfolder, limit_to={}, more=False):
""" ensure that data and job directories exist, create jobs.
limit_to can contain parameter settings we want
to limit ourselves to (this is in case we add more data)
:param string simfolder: relative path to simfolder
:param dict limit_to: key-value pairs that narrow down the dataset,
when empty (default) all possible configs are run
:param boolean more: when True, new data will simply be added
if not osp.exists("%s/data" % simfolder):
os.mkdir('%s/data' % simfolder)
if osp.exists("%s/jobs" % simfolder):
rmtree('%s/jobs' % simfolder)
os.mkdir('%s/jobs' % simfolder)
conf = utils.get_main_conf(simfolder)
create_jobs(conf, simfolder, limit_to=limit_to, more=more)